Papeteries du Léman: Primabake range obtains Nordic Swan ecolabel

Following a certification process of several months, PDL (Papeteries du Léman) has been awarded the Nordic Swan ecolabel for its range of Primabake baking papers. This internationally recognised environmental label is of Scandinavian origin, and has extremely strict certification requirements that encourage manufacturers to design their products in a sustainable way and reduce the environmental impact of their economic and industrial activity. Today, over 20,000 products and services worldwide are Nordic Swan ecolabelled.


15 years of commitment to sustainable development

An ecological pioneer and a driving force in the area of sustainable development, PDL (Papeteries du Léman) solidified its pioneering status by starting its journey towards certification. The company was the first thin paper manufacturer to:
• obtain FSC certification (2005)

  • perform a Life Cycle Analysis (2008): evaluating the environmental impact of its products and reducing its carbon footprint
    • choose its suppliers by how sustainable they are and how energy-intensive their practices are
    • integrate eco-design into product development

PDL manufactures its paper in a way that’s sustainable and environmentally-friendly. Over the last 15 years, the company has been working towards various certifications, demonstrating how their design processes, manufacturing facilities and the source of their raw materials meet the most rigourous environmental management standards.

The entire range of Primabake papers obtained the Nordic Swan ecolabel, mainly thanks to our:
• local procurement and use of Nordic Swan pre-certified raw materials
• low carbon footprint (level of greenhouse gas emissions in the water and air), as a result of: transporting and using biomass energy, reusing our process water, managing our manufacturing and wastewater treatment processes properly and strict checks on our products and processes, allowing us to guarantee consumers that these meet food safety laws and regulations.