UPM received a sufficient majority of votes for the approval of Annual General Meeting proposals

Based on received proxies and voting instructions, UPM confirms that it has received a sufficient majority of votes to support the proposed resolutions on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting on 31 March 2020. Therefore, decisions on items on the meeting agenda can be made in accordance with the proposals if the meeting will be arranged.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, UPM appeals to shareholders who have registered to the AGM to promptly issue a proxy or cancel their attendance at the meeting using the instructions on the corporate website. On Monday, 30 March 2020, the company will assess whether the AGM can be held as planned on 31 March 2020. The Annual General Meeting will be arranged only if the number of participants personally attending the meeting is so small that the meeting can be held in accordance with the authorities’ regulations. Instructions for the cancellation of the attendance and the use of proxy service as well as other information regarding the AGM are available on the corporate website www.upm.com/agm2020.

Shareholders with Finnish online banking access codes or a mobile ID have the opportunity to follow the meeting also via live webcast. Shareholders also have the opportunity to ask questions in advance to the company’s management. Instructions can be found on the corporate website: www.upm.com/agm2020. Due to coronavirus precautionary measures, there will be no serving or special program at the Annual General Meeting this year. All presentations will be brief, meeting the minimum requirements and the shareholders following the meeting will see the presentations via webcast. In addition, attendance by members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Team is limited to a minimum, and new Board members will not be present at the meeting.

If the above conditions for holding the meeting are not met, the meeting will be postponed to a later date and, for example, the adoption of the Financial Statements, the decision on the payment of dividends and the election of the Board will be postponed.