The World BioEconomy Forum season 2022 has begun and it will be culminated in the annual conference in Ruka, Finland on 07 – 09 September 2022. The season will pave the way for the first bioeconomy conference to take place after the Northern Hemisphere summer.
This season marks the 5th edition since its establishment in 2018. The latest annual conference was organised in Belém, Brazil last autumn.
During this season, the World BioEconomy Forum wants to raise key discussions on the role of the bioeconomy and bioproducts in mitigating climate change. In the Forum we think that bioeconomy and bioproducts act as additional tools in combating climate change. Consequently, the annual conference is named: The World BioEconomy Forum talks on climate – live from Ruka! The theme will be reiterated throughout the events of the season 2022, and it will be also featured in the annual Declaration.
Jukka Kantola shares his thoughts: “I’m extremely happy that we are bringing the Forum back to Ruka! This is in line with our strategy of commuting between the Southern and Northern hemispheres. Ruka, surrounded by pristine nature sensitive to any climate change, provides an excellent setting to discuss our 2022 season theme. The Forum, which will be a hybrid event, will also celebrate its 5th anniversary – Bioeconomy Celebrates Nature!”
The Forum 2022 will be held as a hybrid event and the programme is organised according to the Four-Pillar Structure.