The French Chapter of TAGA once again awarded

TAGA’s 72nd Annual Technical Conference, scheduled for March 15-18 in Oklahoma City (United States), has been canceled due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. However, as every year, it delivered the results of the competition putting the different student chapters in competition in 2020. For the 4th consecutive year, the jury awarded to the French Chapter – the only European Student Chapter – the Special Recognition Prize – Student Publication, Technical Writing. It rewards the accuracy and relevance of scientific and technical work presented in a booklet designed for the occasion, as well as the quality and clarity of the writing.

Congratulations to the student engineers who are members of the Student Chapter 2020 who, under the leadership of Bernard Pineaux, deputy director of Grenoble INP-Pagora, have perpetuated the tradition of excellence of their predecessors:
Hippolyte Choquet, 3rd year, apprentice at the Banque de France
Cédric Dumont, 2nd year, apprentice at Stratus Packaging
Antoine Iglesias, 3rd year, apprentice at ArjoWiggins
Carine Teav, 3rd year, apprentice at CEA Grenoble
Erwan Troussel, 2nd year, apprentice at CEA Grenoble
Maxence Vial, 3rd year, apprentice at LGR Packaging