In a stetatement released, the management team of the Brazilian Technical Association of Pulp and Paper (ABTCP) announced that it was decided, together with the companies participating in the 2020 Exhibition ,to postpone the face-to-face event, maintaining the holding of the 53rd Congress & 9th ICEP in virtual format this year. The decision was made based on the importance of maintaining a conscious distance, since the outbreak of the new coronavirus continues to advance in different parts of Brazil and the world and effective medicines or vaccines to contain the pandemic are still lacking in science.
The essentiality of the pulp and paper sector, which has intensified its operations since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak to meet society’s demands in the areas of food packaging, medicines, hygiene products and raw materials for health items, continues to be valued by ABTCP based on the themes that will be addressed in the panels of the 53rd Congress & 9th ICEP. The preliminary program of the event, organized entirely on a virtual platform, will allow the participation of a greater number of congressmen and may be consulted soon on the website www.abtcp2020.org.br The program is being organized, considering time zones of several keynotes. countries and congressmen from Brazil and the world, to offer the best international agenda.
The ABTCP Exhibition, rescheduled for 2021, between August 10 and 12, also contemplating an upcoming Congress held simultaneously, in São Paulo, at the Transamérica Expo Center, will be held in the same pavilions D and E that would be occupied this year and will win even greater relevance. The change will position the event in a strategic year for the resumption of the world economy that will certainly demand from manufacturers and suppliers in the pulp and paper sector – and all other segments of the production chain – creative solutions that may be available to visitors in this main showcase of technologies of our industry in Latin America.