Jean-Christophe Mailhan took over as president of Revipac

Jean-Christophe Mailhan succeeded Christian Picard, who was coming to the end of his term, as president of the French organization Revipac, the French paper recycling association. Director of the DS Smith Packaging site in Durtal (In the West of France) Jean-Christophe Mailhan is a qualified engineer from CentraleSupelec and ESCP. He spent a large part of his career in the paper industry.
He has broad expertise, both technical and economic, in the fields of paper and packaging manufacturing, particularly with the Durtal site, specializing in the production of corrugated board packaging. Christian Picard will retain his position within the Committee for Evaluating the Recyclability of Paper and Cartonboard Packaging (Cerec).
Created as part of the launch of the “Emballage” REP (i.e. Extended Producer Responsibility) in 1992, Revipac brings together French manufacturers of packaging and packaging materials as well as French recycling paper manufacturers.