EY/Culture Papier Study : the French graphic and printed paper ecosystem generates more than 311,500 jobs and 0.7% of French GDP

In the context of the law project relating to “the fight against waste and the circular economy” – currently debated at the French National Assembly and Senate – the French Association Culture Papier has commissioned EY Cabinet the first evaluation of “The socio-economic footprint of the graphic paper ecosystem in France”.
As a cultural, information, commercial or administrative support, graphic paper and print have many uses, participate daily in the social connection of tens of millions of French people and play an important societal role. This study shows the positive, direct, indirect and induced externalities of all actors in this industrial sector in the French economy and its contribution to the French regions.
With a socio-economic footprint of 311,590 jobs, « the ecosystem of the employment of graphic paper and print is a significant industrial sector for the national economy, explains Olivier Le Guay, General Delegate of Culture Papier. Even though the scope of the EY study does not include the fields of press/media and book publishing which are estimated at 106,000 according to the 3rd Panorama of Cultural and Creative Industries in France/EY(Nov. 2019) ».
This study includes, from upstream to downstream : foresters, papermakers, intermediaries, printers, distributors of finished products as well as waste collection and management companies. Its socio-economic benefits also contribute up to 16.9 billion euros to the French gross domestic product (0.7% of GDP). As a consequence, the State can collect 1.3 billion euros in tax revenue, excluding VAT.

This study was presented on December 16, at the Palais du Luxembourg (Senate) on the occasion of the 9th Culture Papier’s Symposium on the theme of “Paper in the Future”. This Symposium gathered more than 20 players in the sector. Four round tables were organized on the themes of the responsible value of paper and on the societal value of print.

Valérie Lechiffre

Culture Papier is an association created on January 6, 2010. It aims to raise awareness among public authorities, economic decision-makers and public opinion on the cultural, economic and social role of paper and print, and to promote responsible and recyclable use, as well as the necessary complementarity with digital.